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Adding Forums to your BuddyPress Site with bbPress

The main BuddyPress Forum component is bbPress. This is a core piece of software created by the creators of WordPress and it is pretty much fully integrated into WordPress and BuddyPress. With bbPress you can create two types of forum in a BuddyPress context – Site-wide forums and Group Forums. Site-wide forums have to be setup by the site admin whilst group forums are optional aspects of groups that are enabled by the group creator.

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Plugin Review – BuddyPress Activity Filter

BuddyPress Activity Filter is a useful plugin that allows you to customise the the way the BuddyPress activity feed works. It allows site admins to limit which filters are available on the activity page, limit which activity filters are available on the main site-wide activity page and customise the activity updates for each post type.

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Plugin – Defaults for BuddyPress Docs

This plugin is for admin who host BuddyPress Docs directories with significant numbers of docs in search of an alternative default sort order for the documents directory pages. By default BuddyPress Docs sorts in order to the last document edited. This simple plugin allows for this sort order to be changed, and for the number of documents per page to be increased.

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Plugin – BP Add Post Updates to Activity

This is a simple plugin which allows the BuddyPress Admin to enable blog post updates to be advertised in the BuddyPress Activity stream. By default, notifications to the Activity stream only happen on new post creation, if the post is then updated later, there is no activity update and your sites users will not be informed of the changes. This can be discouraging to your authors looking to inform site members of changes to published posts. BP Add Post Updates to Activity fixes this.

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