Plugin Review – BP Create Group Type

Version Tested: V 1.0.5

BP Create Group Type is a BuddyPress plugin that uses the new Group Types feature in order to create a range of admin defined group types for selection by the group creator. Once selected the group type is displayed in the group cover area of the groups pages.

Say for example you run a site aimed at people involved with sports and you want to add groups for differing football teams. With this plugin you could set up a group type of “Football” which would help members understand the nature of the group.

Installation is a case of installing and activating the plugin. Following activation the plugin adds a new Dashboard>>Groups>>Group Types page where admin can configure the group types that they want to have available on their site.

Once the group types have been setup then these can be set either at group creation or by going to Group>>Manage>>Settings where the group type can be chosen.

Once a group has been assigned a group type, this will be displayed in the group cover area, clicking on this will reveal a list of all groups of that type on the site.

At the time of writing there was a small bug where the character “s” was being added to the group type name as displayed at the front end.

I really like this plugin, it adds a new dimension to BuddyPress Groups, I think one future ask would be to add a group type drop down to the Groups page search bar so that a list of all groups for all group types could be displayed would be useful. Other than that this plugin seems to add all you need to get your groups better organised with types. 9 out of 10.

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I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


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