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Setting up WordPress ready for BuddyPress

Before installing BuddyPress it’s best to get your basic WordPress installation configured correctly, this in itself can be quite a complex task and there are going to be many aspects of this that I will not have space here to go into in detail but what I hope to achieve in this post is to give you a basic idea of what is needed and to get yourself in a position to run and install BuddyPress on a firm platform.

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Plugin Review – GR Dashboard Notes

GR Dashboard notes, whilst not being specifically a BuddyPress plugin could be useful for membership sites with a few admin and moderators. This plugin allows you to add notes to the dashboard that will only be seen by members of specific roles. So for example it could be used to send a general note to all admin, and they’d see it as soon as they visited the dashboard.

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Plugin Review – WP ULike

WP ULike is a WordPress plugin that also supports BuddyPress, bbPress and a number of other plugins, it aims to be a comprehensive “Like” system for your site and enables site users to like a wide range of content types, including posts, forum topics and replies, comments and activity updates.

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Plugin Review – Display Widgets SEO Plus

Display Widgets SEO Plus is a WordPress plugin that gives you control over the circumstances where a widget will be displayed. It’s an alternative to building multiple sidebars for pages, with Display Widgets SEO Plus you put all of your widgets in the default sidebar and then choose on a widget by widget basis exactly where that widget will be displayed.

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Hardening BuddyPress Against Spammers

One of the first major issues that hits anyone who has set up a public social networking site with BuddyPress is the about of spam that you have to deal with. Unless you have taken steps to prevent spammers getting access to your site then your life could be hell! This article explains how to configure your WordPress/BuddyPress site in order to avoid the maximum amount of spam.

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Pro Plugin Review – Content Aware Sidebars Pro

Content Aware Sidebars Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create page specific sidebars that replace or merge with the default theme sidebars. The plugin comes with built in support for BuddyPress pages. Content Aware Sidebars Pro has been created for those sites that want to create a unique look on some or all pages by allowing for page specific sidebar content.

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