Plugin – BP Post Status

Its always seemed odd to me that BuddyPress does not leverage the power of the WordPress blogging platform as part of it’s social options. Adding BuddyPress compatible post statuses so that members and groups can share posts to friends, members, and groups has for quite some time been an ambition of mine and I’m pleased to say that I’ve created a plugin to do this – BP Post Status.

BP Post Status adds three new Post Status options; alongside the usual publishing options, the post publishing box now supports Members Only, Friends Only and Group Post statuses, with Group Post providing a drop-down of available groups to assign the post to.

In addition, BP Post Status gives group admin the option to set a group post as the groups homepage – allowing much more flexibility when it comes to displaying information about the group.

What this means is that site members can choose exactly who they share their posts to:

  • Friends Only –  will only show these posts to their friends, a notify checkbox gives the option to notify their friends of the post.
  • Members Only – will only show the post to logged in site users.
  • Group Post – provides the option to link a post to a group, each group post can be made Public (visible to all), Members Only ( logged in site users) or Group Only (only visible to group members).

BP Post Status comes with great management features allowing site and group admin to control exactly who can use these features on both a sitewide level and at group level:

  • Disable Post Status – each feature can be disabled or enabled by admin
  • Post Capability – Set minimum capability needed to use the post statuses
  • Enable Notifications – choose to allow members to notify others of their new post
  • Notify Capability – Set minimum capability needs to use the notify feature.

At the group level group admin can set these same features to be applied on a group by group basis.

Groups with Group Posts enabled have the option to display a new tab called “Group Posts” which displays the list of group posts.

Group admin can also choose to enable a new group homepage. Setting this option changes the tag for activity to Activity and sets the group home tab to point to group post, by selecting the appropriate post in the Group Posts tab. it’s simple to set up and allows total flexibility in choosing the content of the group homepage. Using this option group admin can easily create a full group description and use shortcodes to include on the homepage a dashboard of group activity, forum posts etc.

BP Post Status is I hope the first in a number of plugins that I hope to create that will enable a close integration of the WordPress blogging platform into BuddyPress. I plan for example to give group managers the option to set a group post as the group homepage. In addition I’d like group posts to have an option to allow group members to edit group posts; currently only the post creator can edit the post ( though additional editors can be assigned if you use the Co-Authors plus plugin ).

Once installed and activated, the three new post statuses are enabled by default, visiting Dashboard>>Settings>>BP Post Status will allow you to enable notifications and set which membership levels can use these post statuses and notifications.

For groups, each group also gets similar options in Group>>Manage>>Settings – allowing notifications to be enabled and setting membership levels required to use these features.


I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


Phil · May 9, 2021 at 5:56 pm

Will you update this to work with the latest version of wordpress?
It’s a great plugin but it crashes version 5.7.
Thank you.

Kim · May 11, 2024 at 1:55 am

I am looking for a posting management plugin that allows bp group admins to review and then publish their group members’ postings. Can your BP post status be used for this purpose?

    Venutius · July 18, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    Yes, together with BP Site Post, that is what I do.

    Venutius · July 23, 2024 at 7:34 am

    Hi Kim, Yes, it will do that for you, and also, using the sister plugin, BP Site Post, you can also have the same features but with an easier front end post format. Note that there has been an issue with the WordPress repository for Post Status, the upload directory has gone missing, while we try to fix this, I will post the latest version of Post Status to this plugin page here.

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