Plugin Review – WP ULike

Version Tested: V 2.4.2

WP ULike is a WordPress plugin that also supports BuddyPress, bbPress and a number of other plugins, it aims to be a comprehensive “Like” system for your site and enables site users to like a wide range of content types, including posts, forum topics and replies, comments and activity updates.

Installing WP ULike is a case of installing and activating the plugin, following which the plugin will take you to an About page which takes you through getting started. This page gives you a basic introduction to WP ULike and provides the option either to view the statistics that it collects or to go to the settings page.

The settings page is located at Dashboard>>WP ULike>>WP ULike Settings and it is here that you can choose the theme for likes, the location of the like button, display filters, whether guests or only logged in users can like items, information about which users liked the item and their avatar display and a wide range of other options.

Once you have chosen your preferred settings, like buttons will appear for Posts, Comments, in the forum areas and also the BuddyPress areas and WP ULike will start collecting statistics based on who is liking what.

Opening up the DashBoard>>WP ULIike>>WP ULike Statistics page displays all of the statistics gathered for your site, including the total number of likes, a graph of likes over time, the top likers etc. It’s pretty comprehensive though what it does not tell you is the top liked content, which is a shame as this is probably one thing that would be most valuable on a large site.

I find WP ULike to be a very useful plugin and I install it on most sites I help setup, I give this plugin 9 out of 10 as it gives you the ability to like most items that are desired with the exception of media content from plugins such as MediaPress or rtMedia, I suggest that adding these would be of great benefit.

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I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


Vivek · May 27, 2019 at 7:50 am

Hi, I am trying out Ulike for my buddypress site, but i cannot see a place where i as a user, can see all the posts, comments etc which i have liked. Is there a way to see that for a user?

    Venutius · May 27, 2019 at 12:16 pm

    Hi there, to my knowledge the plugin does not have that feature, best bet is to ask the plugin developer.

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