Plugin Review – BuddyPress Follow

Version Tested: V 1.2.2

Unfortunately, this plugin has stopped being updated, and I have therefore requested to be a contributor, as I have a working version, with improved escaping for better security. You can download my updated version below, if the plugin does get updated, this version will take that update, as this is not a fork.

buddypress-followers v1.2.2 corrected 23-07-2024

BuddyPress Follow allows members of a BuddyPress social network to follow each other, it places follow buttons on each member’s profile and in the members page and adds extra tab’s in each member’s profile page, one showing who is following you and the other showing who you are following.

Installation is each, simply install and activate the plugin, there are no settings to change.

This plugin works like a dream, and it works with all the BuddyPress notification types that you have enabled on your site. When you are followed, and you have the Desktop notifier enabled then you will get a pop-up notification, a BuddyPress Toolbar notification and a notification email – you are left in no doubt that you have just been followed!

The plugin inserts itself well into the BuddyPress system of menu’s and tabs, adding “Following” and “Followed” buttons in a number of places.

I give this plugin 10 out of 10, it is simple to install and use and delivers a fully functional following system.

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I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


Jenny · December 21, 2017 at 8:02 pm

Great review! Where can I find more?

    Venutius · January 5, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    I’ll do my best to write some more!

Sourav · September 11, 2021 at 8:40 pm

My theme is not supporting it. Do you have any clue?

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