Plugin Review – Crowdmentions

This plugin has been removed from the repository. However, I think it’s useful, as it can allow us to have discord-like @here functionality to draw attention to a post for example. So at some point I’m going to fork it and upload it to Comment if you think this is a good idea.

Version Tested: V 1.0.3

The BuddyPress @Mentions is it’s system for sending site members a public message, similar to writing on a users wall in Facebook since the mention will turn up in that users activity stream. @Mentions is normally a one to one thing, if you want to have more than one person in your mention then you must include @member1, @member2 etc. In your activity update.

Crowdmentions attempts to change that behaviour by adding the ability to send mentions to groups of members; tn includes the keywords of @friends, @group, @moderators and @administrators.

@friends will mention all of your friends in one activity update. When in a group @group, @moderators and @administrators will mention all group members, just the administrators and just the administrators respectively.

Crowdmentions provides some useful additional features to a BuddyPress install however I can’t help thinking that it needs to do more. For example I feel that it should have the option of including a notice of what Crowdmentions does to the user base, otherwise the membership will remain unaware that the feature exists. I’m not entirely sure how this could be enabled but I think that this need to inform the membership is an important one. Also I think that adding the ability for a member to create their own @mention user groups would also be a great boon – whereby you allow a user to create a subset of their friends to send a group @mention to.

I give Crowdmentions 7 out of 10, it works fine but I feel needs something more in order for it to be an important addition to a BuddyPress Site.

My Star Rating


I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


Jesus · October 1, 2020 at 6:02 pm

Hey, on 2020, is there any alternative to Crowdmentions? Seems like the plugins hasn’t been maintained for a long time.

    Venutius · January 19, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    PRetty sure it still works, it’s quite a simple plugin

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