Plugin Review – bbp Toolkit

Version Tested: V 1.0.11

bbp Toolkit is a plugin that allows the site admin to make various styling changes to a sites bbPress forum pages plus more besides.

Once installed, the plugin creates a settings menu item in Dashboard>>Tools>>bbp Toolkit. From here you can access five menu tabs – bbPress Global, bbPress Information, bbPress Performance, Close Forums and Basic System Information.

bbPress Global tab

From here you can change numberous aspects of bbPress Global settings including setting Notify to be always set to on by default, moving the subscribe menu item to the right side of the page, changing how the forum breadcrumbs are displayed etc.

bbPress Information tab

This tab allows you to change a number of the bbPress default information items, such as the text to display when a forum is empty or when the user has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content.

bbPress Performance tab

bbPress Performance gives you the option to remove bbPress CSS style from all pages except the forum pages, thus minimising the code that is loaded for those pages.

Close Forums Tab

This tab allows the admin to close forums to new topics except for specific roles.

Basic Information tab

This section gives you a list of all plugins loaded on the site plus other system information for the site, useful when raising a support case and you need to pass on that information.

This plugin has some very nice features that tend to complement those of the other bbPress styling plugin bbp style pack and both will work together to give you a large amount of control over your bbPress site, be it bbPress only or in conjunction with BuddyPress, I give this plugin a score of 9 out of 10.

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I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


Susana Madaro · September 27, 2018 at 4:59 pm

I wanted to comment that I had a pretty serious problem with this plugin: I’m working with a forum and it only shows 52 created forums, in Close Forum, and I’ve already exceeded that number. If someone had the same problem, please comment if you can solve it

    Venutius · October 6, 2018 at 11:36 am

    Hi there, did you report this to the plugin author? He’s very good at providing support so should be able to help

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