Plugin Review – bbp Style Pack

Version Tested: V 3.8.2

bbp Style Pack is a huge styling plugin for bbPress and more besides. Using bbp Style Pack you can change the look and feel of just about any element of your bbPress forums, for example you can control the colours and font sizes of all elements of your forums listing page, you can do the same with each individual forum topics list page and you can control the same elements for the individual topic and reply page.

It should be noted that this plugin have features for both BuddyPress and Standalone bbPress installations and therefore some features may not be so relevant to BuddyPress installs.

Once you install and activate the plugin you will be able to access the bbp Style Pack settings via the Dashboard>>Settings>>bbp Style Pack page. Once there you will find twenty different tabs of forum settings and information.

bbp Style Pack does more than just styling; it comes with it’s own Recent Replies widget and also allows you to insert custom CSS into your forum pages, it allows you to change the forum breadcrumb settings plus a whole lot more.

Feature Review

The following explains broadly the contents of the Dashboard>>Settings>>bbp Style Pack page.

Forums Index Styling

This tab holds all the options for styling the Forums Index Page

Forum Templates

This holds pre-built templates that you could apply to your forums.

Forum Display

This section have several forum display options.

Freshness Display

This provides options to add a topic freshness display to topic lists.


This section controls the display of breadcrumbs in the forum pages


This tab add “Create Topic”, “Subscribe” and “Profile” buttons to the forum index page.


This page adds additional locations for displaying the login button.

Forum Roles

This tab controls how roles are displayed in the forums

Topic Order

Changes the order that topics are loaded in the topics list.

Topics Index Styling

This tab has the options for styling the Topics Index page

Topic/Reply Styling

This tab shows the options for styling the topic/reply to topic area.

Topic/Reply Form

This section has the settings for the topic reply form.


This section allows bbPress specific profiles to be turned off etc.


Details of how to use the shortcodes bundled with the plugin.


Details of the Widgets bundled with the plugin

Latest Activity Widget Styling

Styling options for the Latest Activity widget.

Custom CSS

A place to enter custom CSS

CSS Location

The location of the custom CSS file.

I discovered bbp Style Pack a while back and after playing with it once this has become a must have companion to any bbPress install I manage, it is highly recommended – 11 out of 10. A truly Awesome plugin!

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I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


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