Plugin Review – Display Widgets SEO Plus

Version Tested V 1.1.2

Display Widgets SEO Plus is a WordPress plugin that gives you control over the circumstances where a widget will be displayed. It’s an alternative to building multiple sidebars for pages, with Display Widgets SEO Plus you put all of your widgets in the default sidebar and then choose on a widget by widget basis exactly where that widget will be displayed.

Once you have installed and activated the plugin, each widget added to a sidebar in Dashboard>>Appearance>>Widgets attains a further set of options, which will show or hide the widget; To all users, to logged in users only or to logged out users and on specific pages or posts.

Using Display Widgets SEO Plus can be a little complex if you have a large number of widgets you wish to use, the default is that a widget will be displayed on all pages and for all users, but you can choose to either; Hide a widget on all pages except those selected, or to display a widget on all pages except those selected.

Display Widgets SEO Plus has a very nice feature whereby if you please and “!” at the beginning of the widget title, the widget title will not be displayed at the front end but is displayed at the back end. This is useful when there’s no need to display a title but you need one to keep track of your widgets in widget configuration page.

Display Widgets SEO Plus also supports BuddyPress very well, allowing widgets to display on the various BuddyPress pages, the individual group pages, forums, activity etc. This feature is at the top level for pages, you can select for example all Group pages and this will display the widget on the sidebar of all individual groups, what you can do is only display a widget in the sidebar of group “X”. The developer hopes to add that feature later.

BuddyPress specific widget logic

ALL BuddyPress Pages – is_buddypress()
BuddyPress Members Directory – bp_is_members_directory()
BuddyPress User Pages – bp_is_user()
BuddyPress Activity Streams Directory – bp_is_activity_directory()
BuddyPress Activity Streams Item – bp_is_single_activity()
BuddyPress Groups Directory – bp_is_groups_directory()
BuddyPress Group – bp_is_group()
BuddyPress Group Forum – bp_is_current_action( ‘forum’ )
BuddyPress Group Forum Topic – bp_is_group_forum_topic()
BuddyPress Registration Page – bp_is_register_page()

bbPress specific widget logic

ALL bbPress Pages – is_bbpress()
bbPress User Pages – bbp_is_single_user()
bbPress Forum Archive – bbp_is_forum_archive()
bbPress Category Forum – bbp_is_forum_category()
bbPress Forum – bbp_is_single_forum()
bbPress Forum Topic – bbp_is_single_topic()
bbPress Topic Tag – bbp_is_topic_tag()

Overall I give this plugin a score of 9 out of 10. I think that it can be overly complex but it supports BuddyPress very welland gives a great deal of control over where and to whom a widget can be displayed.

My Star Rating

Other Peoples Reviews


I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


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