Plugin Review – BP Portfolio

Version Tested: 1.0.3

BP Portfolio is a plugin designed to allow artists to showcase their images on a BuddyPress Site, the free version supports photo’s whilst the Pro version adds support for video and Audio files. BP Portfolio adds a new page to BuddyPress called projects through which artists are able to showcase their works.

Installation is pretty simple, after installing and activating the plugin you need to setup up and configure which pages will be the “Projects” and “Add Project” pages on your site and add them to the menu in a similar way to setting up other BuddyPress pages. BP Portfolio also allows you to setup project specific Categories and set some of these as mandatory (a useful feature that should be enabled for other WordPress Category types), you can also set up Portfolio specific Tags.

Once it is set up, clicking on “Add Project” will allow site members to create their own portfolio item, adding a title, description and setting tags and categories, The categories must be setup by site admin whilst the tags can be created on the fly by the user as they set up their portfolio item. Once this is complete the user is able to add photo’s to the portfolio and set a cover image. Each portfolio item can have a display restriction set and also the user gets to choose if they will allow comments.

Once a user has created their project, this is viewed either by clicking on the projects page from the site menu or by clicking on the members profile projects tab, which shows the members personal projects.

The main projects page is well set up with several options for searching and displaying the projects located within it. Once a project is selected the project view reveals a nicely formatted  screen with large images which you can click on to reveal a nice lightbox view of the images,

BuddyBoss, the plugin creator have produced this useful video tutorial on BP Portfolio:

I give this plugin 10 out of 10 for a simple and well made plugin that delivers on it’s promise of providing professional looking portfolio views on your BuddyPress Site. Well done BuddyBoss! This plugin would enhance any site that needed this particular application.

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I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


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