Plugin – BP Profile Home Widgets

BP Profile Home Widgets is a plugin designed to allow the BuddyPress user to personalize their profile by allowing user defined widgets to be added to the BP Nouveau Home Page widget area. It also adds widget areas to the BP Legacy profile page to allow the plugin to be used there.

The key difference between this plugin and my other plugin BP User Widgets is that these widgets are designed to be used in the wider context of the main page area rather than a sidebar.

Once the plugin is activated, moving the widgets page will reveal that a new widget area has been created for the BP profile page. This will allow widgets to be added after the users profile settings. If you are running Nouveau and have enabled the profile home page then you will also see a widget area for that. For BP Legacy users two new widget areas are created – BuddyPress Profile Top and BuddyPress Profile Bottom ( Above or below the users standard profile information).

A new widget has also been created – BP Profile Home Widgets. Moving this widget into either of the two areas will display the widget dialogue:

The widget allows for two text widgets, two video widgets plus widgets for My Posts (WordPress), my Followers and those I Follow plus My Friends, My Groups, My Activity and My Mentions to be enabled or disabled for use in the members profile. Note that you will need to set the screen width in the widget otherwise the videos will come through undersized.

Once the widget has been placed in the appropriate widget area, each user will see an option to add widgets to their home or profile page content. From the front-end this option can be clicked and widgets added as desired. The user can also drag and drop the order of the widgets in order to ensure the best flow of information from their widgets.

Because the Nouveau Home page once enabled is usually undesirably blank, BP Profile Home Widgets gives the option to the administrator to save a default setting to be used by all users that have not set up their widgets. This way the profile home page for new users will show default content until they have configured their own preferences.

For the Legacy Template, once you have enabled these profile widgets you may like to make the profile page the default landing page rather than the standard Activity, to do this simply add the following line to bp-custom.php in plugins/buddypress:

* Change BuddyPress default Members landing tab.
define('BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );

Note: bp-custom.php does not exist in default installs, you usually need to create it.


I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.


Slava Abakumov · February 19, 2019 at 11:17 am

You have a typo in your plugin URL: instead of

    Venutius · February 19, 2019 at 11:45 am

    Thanks for checking, fixed now

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