Plugin Review – Write Here

Version Tested: V 1.4

Write Here is a front end post plugin that allows users to create and edit there own posts. Users would select the correct menu item and can either go to their Write Here Dashboard (to allow them to select their post for editing or deletion) or they can go to another menu item to allow them to create a new blog post.

Installation is quite straight forward, once you have installed and activated the plugin you will need to create a page for the dashboard shortcode and also one for the post creation shortcode. Note that the plugin comes with four shortcodes, only two  ([write-here-dashboard] and [write-here]) work, the other two you can ignore.

Having placed the shortcodes into your pages and linked them to the menu users are able to create and edit their posts.

The post creation editor seems to have most features people would want, you can upload a featured image which is placed in the Media Library and can also be inserted into the content area. The post Title and Content can be entered as well as any Tags and a single Category can be selected.

The Dashboard view displays ten posts by default (This can be changed in Dashboard>>Settings>>Write Here) each of which can be edited or deleted.

Overall I give this plugin 9 out of 10, it is a simple but full featured front end post creation and editing application that many should find a real benefit for their site members. There are some additional features I would like to see such as multiple Categories and and moderated post submission but I think as it stands many will find this plugin very useful.

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I've been setting up and managing BuddyPress social networks for a few years. I moved from Ning and other platforms and have come to BuddyPress looking to make sites with similar features to them.

1 Comment

Sistem Informasi · March 13, 2023 at 1:49 am

Overall I give this plugin 9 out of 10, it is a simple but full featured front end post creation and editing application that many should find a real benefit for their site members

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