An image illustrating an article about Plugin – BP Add Post Updates to Activity on

Plugin – BP Add Post Updates to Activity

This is a simple plugin which allows the BuddyPress Admin to enable blog post updates to be advertised in the BuddyPress Activity stream. By default, notifications to the Activity stream only happen on new post creation, if the post is then updated later, there is no activity update and your sites users will not be informed of the changes. This can be discouraging to your authors looking to inform site members of changes to published posts. BP Add Post Updates to Activity fixes this.

An image illustrating an article about Extending the basic BuddyPress Install on

Extending the basic BuddyPress Install

So far we have installed our basic BuddyPress install for our Ning style social network, we have done a lot. But still the site we have created lacks features, for example there is no Chat or sharing of photo’s and video’s, it would be nice to have events, the groups are pretty basic as are the member profiles. This article attempts to show you how you can move further towards your dream social site by introducing quite a large number of plugins and giving you basic information about how to install and use them.

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